Friday, March 2, 2012

"Professional" Cake... Take 2

The friend who I made the cake for before liked it so much that I have been "hired" to make the cakes for all of the employees!  In order to prepare for my 2nd "professional" cake I needed to pick up a few supplies to make my life easier.  In order to make the cake cook evenly so the edges would not get dry and crusty I purchased the Wilton bake even strips, which worked amazingly.  I also got the Wilton cake lifter to help me fill and stack the cake.

Second cake....second fiasco.  I got distracted by my 10 month old and did not remove the cake from the pan quick enough so the cake stuck.  I almost cried when half of cake stayed in the pan and half of it came out.  But after a lot of leveling and filling holes with icing.... this is what the finished cake looked like.

I still need to work on the writing part... but overall I was much happier with this cake!